Make an appointment

With one click to the tandem flight at the Hirzer
Thank you for your interest in “flying high” in Merano and environs!
Please fill in the registration form below for a tandem flight in Merano. After registration we will contact you by phone or e-mail as soon as possible. As we are very dependent on wind and weather when flying, and as safety is our top priority, delays or rescheduling may occur during flight appointments. In such cases, we ask for your understanding.

We fly daily from March to November from 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. from the Hirzer flying area.

    Please fill out all with * marked fields. (Obligation fields)



    Land *

    Mobil-Phone* (Important!)

    E-Mail *

    Enquiry about flight route (select): *


    Flight date - period from: *

    Flight date - period to: *

    Desired flight date *

    Your comment

    To send your inquiry, is the acceptance of our Privacy Policy required.

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